First, browse today's headlines on Greece in Kathimerini, Athen's daily newspaper. You can read the English version here.
The following list of links (in no particular order) is meant as a starting point for your odyssey back into Ancient Greece. kαλό ταξίδι. (Happy travels!)
Ancient Greece.Org
"Ancient Greece" at The British Museum
"Ancient History in Depth: Greeks" from BBC
"Greeks: Crucible of Civilization from PBS
3D Ancient Wonders: The Parthenon
Arounder: Athens Virtual Tour
"Internet Ancient History Sourcebook: Greece" from Fordham University
"Ancient Greece" from the History Channel
Hellenic Ministry of Culture & Tourism
The Ancient Theater Archive
Finally, here is the presentation rubric. On Monday, October 25, we'll raffle off the order for presenters. Presentations will run October 25, 26, & 27. As always, your goal is to be creative, original, and articulate. καλή τύχη! (Good luck!) ;)
This website is dedicated to the students of the International School of San Salvador. Here, you can find copies of course materials such as syllabi, calendars, assignment guides, and reviews for exams as well as an array of links to scholarly articles, music, videos, artwork, and websites. You can also browse selected student work. Click on the COURSE TAGS ABOVE to find the latest posts for your class (displayed BELOW) or browse the RIGHT HAND TOOLBAR which contains links to student resources, school info, and everything else. Go Falcons!