For Friday, October 10, please upload your slides to the following shared presentation using GoogleDocs:
Class of 2013 Rapid Micro Loan Business Plan Project, Fall of 2012
Create your presentation using PowerPoint. Include the following:
*Slide 1: Group Member Names & Creative Project Title
*Slide 2: Project Objectives & Goal
*Slide 3: Project "Plan" (or how you set out to achieve your objectives & goal)
*Slide 4: Project Materials & Cost
*Slide 5: Receipts for Materials (these may be scanned; you may use several slides if necessary)
*Slide 6: Re-investment (if you spent more than $25, explain and show when & how you re-invested)
*Slide 7: Total Revenue, Cost, & Net Profit
*Slide 8: Evaluation (using bullet points, outline what went well, what needed to be improved, and ideas for innovation next time)
This website is dedicated to the students of the International School of San Salvador. Here, you can find copies of course materials such as syllabi, calendars, assignment guides, and reviews for exams as well as an array of links to scholarly articles, music, videos, artwork, and websites. You can also browse selected student work. Click on the COURSE TAGS ABOVE to find the latest posts for your class (displayed BELOW) or browse the RIGHT HAND TOOLBAR which contains links to student resources, school info, and everything else. Go Falcons!