1. Define the following terms: private property, public property, piracy, copyright, trademark, patent.
2. Legally speaking. . .what does the law say about piracy in El Salvador (or pick the country of your choice)? Do private property rights vary depending on the sort of property?
4. Choose 2 articles from the New York Times' "Copyright and Copyright-Violations" section by clicking here. Write up a brief (4-5 sentence) synopsis for each article (What was the article about?, What suprised you?, etc).
5. Check local papers (La Prensa, El Diario, El Mundo, Diario Co-latino, La Economista, El Faro) for articles about piracy in El Salvador/Central America. Make a list of 10 bullet points in FAVOR of piracy (explaining how it supports the economy --- consider vendors/consumers as well as Hollywood, name brand companies) as well as 10 bullet points AGAINST piracy (why piracy hurts the economy -- consider government earnings, corporations, entrepreneurs, etc.). What is your position on the image at left?