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Interactive Demand!

First, be sure to turn in your homework to Ms. Castillo at the  beginning of class.

This afternoon, you'll work in partners to complete the following.  Write all your answers on a page to turn in at the beginning of tomorrow afternoon's class.  Please be sure your work is neat, legible, and that your answers are thorough.  You may turn in one page per group of partners (2 people per group).

Click here to visit a British website dedicated to business and economics students, Biz/ed.  Complete the first four exercises (on the first 2 pages) relating to the first 6 interactive graphs on demand.  Record all answers on the page you will turn in at the beginning of tomorrow's class.  The graphs and explanations cover the work we've seen in the last week related to Chapter 4 on "Demand."  If you have questions, be sure to note those down as well so we can cover any doubts in class tomorrow.  We'll plan on Jeopardy! on Monday and a test on Tuesday.  ****If you can't get the graphs to work, kindly ask the computer teacher to turn on FlashPlayer.
When you finish, feel free to read up on either of the bonus questions from Tuesday's test.  Investigate the Occupy Wall Street movement (which has now spread to numerous cities in the US, Europe, and other countries).  Investigate the economic situation in Greece.  The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The London Times, The Economist, as well as El Diario de Hoy  or La Prensa Grafica can all serve as resources.  Next week's test will also include bonus questions on recent economic issues in the news.