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Chapter 13: Economic Instability

Complete the following practice and review questions for Chapter 13 on Economic Instability.

#1*Take the Chapter 13 quiz from McGrawHill by clicking here.  Take a screen shot of your answers and paste the copy in a Word document.

#2*Take the Chapter 14 quiz from McGrawHill by clicking here. Take a screen shot of your answers and paste the copy in the Word document.

*Review what we've seen throughout the year by taking this 10 question prep quiz for our next chapter which deals with aggregate supply and demand and stabilization policies.  Click here.  Include your answers in the Word document.

*View the most recent CPI report in the US from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Click here.  You'll need to scroll down 50-100 pages to find interesting data.  Write a paragraph or two (eight  sentences minimum) discussing what you find in the document.  What surprises you?  What did you expect?  Cite and analyze specific data.  Include page numbers.

*Bonus points: Find the contents and the price of the market basket in three countries: El Salvador, the US, and a country of your choice.  Include responses in your word document.

*Complete the following for extra credit, "Comparative Costs, 19th Century & Today."  Click here.

EMAIL responses with your Word document (.doc) as an attachment.
You may work individually or in pairs.
Complete assignment by the end of class (2:30pm) on Friday, May 4, 2012.