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Economics Activity for Chapter 15
Complete the following practice and review questions for Chapter 15 on Macroeconomic Policies.
#1*Take the Chapter 15 on Monetary Policy quiz from McGrawHill by clicking here. Take a screen shot of your answers and paste the copy in a Word document.
#2*Take the Chapter 16 on Economic Instability quiz from McGrawHill by clicking here. Take a screen shot of your answers and paste the copy in the Word document.
#3*Practice using interactive supply and demand graphs here. Read carefully and practice graphing. Read over the 3 case studies (click tabs at top right) as one or more may appear as bonus's on Friday's exam.
#4*Spend 10 minutes reading any economics related article in The New York Times, The Boston Globe, The LA Times, The London Times, La Prensa Grafica, The Economist, El Diario de Hoy, or a related source. Include the name, author, date of publication, and link to the article. Write a brief paragraph description in Word reacting to (not summarizing!) the article.
*Bonus points: Find examples of applications of the aggregate supply and demand curves and explain causes and effects using current events.
EMAIL responses with your Word document (.doc) as an attachment.
You may work individually or in pairs.
Complete assignment by the end of class (2:30pm) on Wednesday, May 16, 2012.