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British Literature Writing Portfolio: The Book of Margery Kempe

Margery Kempe, mother of 14 children and a 15th century woman of faith, was the first known person to use the English language to share her autobiography.  Kempe's "book" was rather short, yet certainly direct.  She used the story of her life to convey a powerful message of conversion to her readers.  She wrote not only to retell her life's story, but to transform the lives of others.

For this week's writing portfolio option, you are to choose an event from your life and write an autobiographical account about it.  If possible, select an event that made you see life from a different point of view or that turned your thinking in a different direction.  Be sure the incident is one you are willing to share with others.  (Prompt abridged from Glencoe's British Literature text, page 208.)

Please be sure to use the rubric we've been using throughout the year as a guide.  A copy can be found here or in your class folders (see tabs at right).