Working alone or with a partner, take a second look at Gulliver's Travels. Begin by mapping out Gulliver's voyages. Then, create a log of places he visited (in order) and a brief description of each place. For each place, choose 2 or 3 direct quotes from the text (with page numbers). In a third column in your log, list what you believe each place represents (Swift's satire). Finally, create a fifth part for Gulliver's Travels. Your fifth part may be an introduction to yet another destination and about a page in length. Add your fifth part destination to your map and include an illustration with your writing. Also include your fifth part destination in your travel log for Gulliver. In deciding upon a place for Gulliver to visit, consider events/concepts/regions that Swift would find particularly fit to satirize. You might chose to poke fun at a recent news story, TV show or movie, or modern reality. Be creative & engaging. Proofread :)
Map. . .15 points
Chart. . .30 points
Fifth Part (writing). . .30 points (content, creativity/writing style, use of satire)
Fifth Part (illustration). . .10 points
Proofread/Presentation. . .15 points
Helpful Scholarly Links on Swift. . .
Brown University's "Victoria Web"
Cambridge University Literary Collection
Literature Network (contains online text)
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