You can find all information from past courses by clicking on the course name on the label list on the right hand side. You may need to scroll down to do so. Many documents can also be found in GoogleDocs. You can either read through previous course posts to find the information for which you're looking or enter GoogleDocs using your own username/email and password. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at or at 2243.6039 or 7036.0710.
British Literature, Grade 12
Contemporary Issues, Grade 12
Economics, Grade 12
PreAlgebra, Grade 8
US History, Grade 11
US Literature, Grade 11
World History I, Grade 9
World History II, Grade 10
World Literature, Grade 10
This website is dedicated to the students of the International School of San Salvador. Here, you can find copies of course materials such as syllabi, calendars, assignment guides, and reviews for exams as well as an array of links to scholarly articles, music, videos, artwork, and websites. You can also browse selected student work. Click on the COURSE TAGS ABOVE to find the latest posts for your class (displayed BELOW) or browse the RIGHT HAND TOOLBAR which contains links to student resources, school info, and everything else. Go Falcons!